
Brand Identity: Graphics & Photography

Besides your logo, visual elements like the graphics and photography you use on your website, in letterheads, PDFs, or even in your email marketing are enormously important to your overall brand cohesion and message.

There are many more visual elements than simply a logo that pull together in their representation of a brand to customers.

These visual elements can take the shape of graphics, which are designs or illustrations, or in the form of high quality photography that represents the ethos of a brand.

Some companies are in need of customized letterheads, PDFs, or even email marketing templates.

Others need photography that represents the essence of their brand to help fill their websites with visual content that communicates a message to their potential customer, positioning them as - for instance - modern, traditional, trustworthy, high end, or creative.

The visual element of brand identity is something you absolutely should not overlook, and it's important to get it right, as what you're communicating to your customers goes beyond the words you happen to use.